Ideas, information, tips and tricks about health and life.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Fruits Junkies!

Fruits junkies? Yes, it’s me! I have already mentioned it on my bio :P I always eat them regularly and I am sure that you all have to try this because fruits have a lot of vitamins, minerals, and other benefits that are important for your health. Usually I just bite and chew fruits everyday or sometimes I drink it as a juice when my mom made it (I was too lazy to made a glass of fruit juice :P). But then I always drink a glass of fruit juice every morning or afternoon. Why? Let me tell you my experience..

I used to have so many pimples on my face T.T I tried so many ways to cure it but it seemed like none of them could bring my healthy skin back. I felt tired with these and tried to ignore those pimples. But then people around me are more often asking about what happened on my face, they said that the pimples is already too long staying on my face. When I am going to get frustrated with those pimples, I browse and read some blogs, also asked some friends how to cure it. From all of their suggestions I concluded it into two simple ways, there are: I have to get enough sleep and drink fruit juice. I didn’t take a long time of thinking about doing it because I think it was a reasonable suggestion and also good for health. Beside both of them, I also tried to drink water at least 2 liters everyday. Yes, water and fruit juice are good for detoxification. If it is not work for me I won’t get any loss.

I tried to discipline myself. I set what time I should head the bed and the time of wake up, and drink fruit juice as a complement of my breakfast. Three days were passed. I felt fresher because I had enough sleep everyday (I was too often stay awake late before). A week was passed. I started to pay attention to my face. The pimples were still there but the good thing there was no new pimples appear on my face. I was excited to continue this healthy lifestyle. For almost a month I find no pimples stay on my face. I know it is quite long and we should be patient with this process but I found it is worth enough. Why? Because we get a clean face without any chemical materials.

Well, I have posted about my Favorite Simple Habits to Prevent Acne before and those three parts (enough sleep, drink water, and drink fruit juice) are counted in it. Then, what fruits I usually have to make a fruit juice? I have tried a lot of fruits. Sometimes when I want to make an experiment I like make a smoothies that combine with vegetables. But the most fruits I always have are melon, apple, tomatoes, and carrot (two of the last are vegetables anyway, haha).  Sometimes when I have lemon I like to mix my juice with a little amount of it squeezes.

When I made this post, there are only melon and apple in my refrigerator, so I will tell you the benefits by consuming these fruits. The others will hopefully come afterward.


Who doesn’t know this fruit? It is a sweet and juice fruit with fresh fragrant. (Sorry for the bad pictures. I am not good in photography) What are the benefits by consuming melon? 
1.  Melon contains vitamins A, B, and C. Efficacious to smooth the skin, nourish the eye, increasing our endurance, we are not susceptible to the flu.
2.  Melon contains an anticoagulant, which is adenosine. Therefore melon can prevent coagulation (clotting) of blood cells which can lead to stroke in patients with high blood pressure and heart disease.
3.   Melon also contains high carotenoids so that it can prevent cancer, especially lung cancer.
4.  Melon has an excellent diuretic power so that it can cure kidney disease and severe eczema and acute. If combined with lemon, melon can eradicate uric acid.


This fruit also has a fresh fragrant. The taste is sweet and sometime a little bit sour. Apple is also good for your teeth. Let me tell you the other benefits by consuming apple.
1.    Increase energy
Apple juice contains natural glucose and precise so as to give an injection of energy in your body.

2.    Preventing breast cancer
The content of phytochemical anthocyanins in apple juice can inhibit tumor growth and breast cancer cells.

3.    Cool the body
Apple juice is a drink that fits in the heat. These drinks can also hydrate your body well because it contains high water levels.

4.    Cleanse toxins
Drinking apple juice can gradually get rid of toxins in the body due to the content of potassium in it. Your liver health can be maintained.

5.    Reduce constipation
Drinking apple juice on a regular basis can also treat digestive disorders like constipation. This is because apple juice is rich in fiber which is good for healthy digestion and reduces constipation.

6.    Reduce interruption of pregnancy
Some disorders of pregnancy such as nausea, acid reflux, and constipation can be alleviated by drinking apple juice.

7.    Lose weight
If you’re looking to lose weight, the best way to get rid of fat in your body is by drinking apple juice. Beside rich in fiber, apple juice is also rich in water so make your stomach is always full.

I believe there are still a lot of benefits by consuming melon and apple or other fruits. By knowing some of the benefits like I have mentioned it should trigger us to try eating them or drinking it as juice everyday. Yep, natural materials are the best thing we can give to our body. Let’s be healthy!


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